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Client-Partner Services

In addition to engaging in original research and advocacy, PPC serves pro bono advisory roles for interested student organizations based at the University of Pennsylvania and beyond. The group aims to select 1-3 student groups as clients and partner organizations every year. The end products are concerted campaigns that leverage PPC's experiences and insights to generate policy action that galvanizes support and awareness towards issues of partners' interest. ​


The group's client and partnership roles for other student organizations include:

  • Help create a concerted government advocacy strategy for groups that struggle to find channels to have their voices represented in the policy discourse.

  • Establish a campaign with other student groups that shows a student-led movement and momentum to lawmakers.

  • List as a signatory in coalition letters and policy briefs that PPC presents to policymakers.


Past Projects


For our group's advocacy regarding the protection of US funding for the UN humanitarian agencies, PPC circulated a coalition letter that affirmed Penn student organizations' interest and support for our cause. The group was able to work with Penn for UNICEF, Seneca International, and the Society for International Development, and they circulated the letters with the three organizations' signatures to lawmakers at Capitol Hill, thereby affirming the Penn student groups' support for continued US support for multilateral institutions. The letter was well-received by Hill staff members and showed that the UN funding is an issue of priority on campus. ​


For the group's  Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS) report that was presented at the UN, PPC reached out to 100 student organizations throughout the Ivy League and South Korea. The campaign, which culminated in a global joint statement, served as a testament to youth's support for the YPS framework as well as calls for additional investment in peacebuilding education and increased participation channels for student groups.


Become a Client


The advisory functions that PPC provides are pro-bono, but require a considerable investment in forms of time commitment and research from all partnering organizations. Interested student organizations must submit a 1-2 page project proposal that details the desired outcomes and policy issue areas to

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